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My dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.

I wish you all the blessings of the Divine Mercy Lord who trusts in His Mercy.

Today I invite you to meditate upon the Holy Eucharist. As blessed John Paul II in his apostolic letter called “Ecclessia DE Eucharistic”, says that Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. Hence we all are called to have our life being rooted in the Eucharist.Eucharist is the celebration of our salvation that Jesus gained for us through his passion, death and resurrection. It is this sacrifice of our lord on the mount Calvary gave us the Eucharist. Today we are called to live and adore the Eucharist. Any family that gives importance to the Eucharist are filled with the Eucharistic graces of Faith, Hope and charity. God’s love for us is revealed and realized in the celebration of the Eucharist. When me take part in the Holy Mass, Jesus fills us with God’s love and Mercy which he showed towards the people in the wilderness when they were without food (John 6:1-14). Jesus showed is mercy by multiplying the bread and satisfying them. In the same way when we seek the living God through the celebration of Holy Eucharist, God will never forsake his people. Any prayer that is surrendered through the Holy Mass will never be unanswered. For we believe that there is the real, true and living presence of the Lord in the Holy Eucharist. So let us all go to the living Lord and sit with Him though prayer and adoration and experience his Mercy and Love. May the Eucharistic Lord shower His blessings and mercy upon you and your family.

with love and prayer

Dear followers do will one thing .can u pray for me?please pray for me.

Saturday 16 June 2012

Emotional Connection

Emotional connection makes women want sex. Emotional connection makes men want longtermrelationships.
Emotional connectionmakes men andwomen switch gender roles (see BECOMING A COUPLE13).
Individuals who use masculine sexuality (usually, but not always, men) want to have sex with
many partners. Individuals who use feminine sexuality (usually, but not always, women) want
long-term committed relationships. Emotional connection makes women switch to masculine
sexuality, and makes men switch to feminine sexuality.
A man using masculine sexuality shows off his social status, physique, and money to attract
women’s attention. But that’s all stereotyped gender roles can do (attract attention). Once he
has a woman’s attention, she’ll look for relationship skills, entertainment skills (e.g., a sense of
humor), and, above all, the emotional connection of "chemistry."
A woman using feminine sexuality shows off her youth and beauty to attract men’s attention. But
that’s all her stereotyped gender role can do. If they don’t emotionally connect, he’ll date her only
as long as he thinks he might get to have sex.
 Be Seen in Different Venues
Make your suitor feel emotionally connected by letting him see you in a variety of situations.
E.g., volunteer with a non-profit organization, take a continuing education class, and participate
in a new sport. When a man approaches you in one venue, invite him to do the other activities
with you. If you met him in a business computers night class, suggest that he join you volunteering
with Habitat For Humanity on Saturday, or at a rock climbing class on Sunday.
He’ll see you using a variety of emotions. You may be confident and professional in the business
computers class, caring and nurturing with the non-profit organization, and scared–then
triumphant–climbing a cliff.

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